Análise da paisagem urbana: os sistemas de espaços livres em Erechim, RS, Brasil


  • Nauíra Zanardo Zanin
  • Natália Biscaglia Pereira
  • Janice de Freitas Pires



This article presents a study on the urban landscape in the city of Erechim, RS, Brazil, by means of the morphological type analysis and the city's public and private intra-urban open spaces survey.The method applied begins with the analysis on urban scale, subsequently approaching the local scale and the adoption of a specific landscape unit. On the urban scale, the morphological constitution processes (physical support, occupation vectors, urban sprawl evolution and the plans, laws and transformation agents) as well as the landscape units were mapped. On the local scale, the hierarchy, connectivity and complementarity of the open space systems were analysed and the means and times of the open spaces appropriation along with the issues related to environment adequacy were investigated. Finally, the urban historical and developmental influences and the promotion of open spaces were reflected on.




Sede Lisboa