Entre el hedonismo, la especulación y la necesidad: el caso del Parque Pignatelli de Zaragoza


  • Laura Ruiz Cantera




The main objective of the present research is to show and reflect on the interests that were intertwined in the creation of the park Pignatelli, the first park built in Zaragoza, whose project dates from 1892. In this sense, it can be pointed out that this green space was born under aspirations and bourgeois conceptions that conjured economic interests over the area, adding to the need to incorporate a leisure place and citizenship and also to create a bucolic area to emulate other cities. Is an interdisciplinary study that requires to cover a greater number of lines of research, always supported by the consultation of documentary sources. Hence, in order to give a coherent and complete sense to this work, it has been necessary to study an extensive documentary and cartographic compendium from the Archive and Municipal Library of Zaragoza.




Sede Lisboa