O processo de industrialização na década de 1960 e as tra


  • Alcilia Alfonso de Albuquerque e Melo




This paper aims to study the role of industrialization in the urban development of the district of Prata, in the city of Campina Grande- “agreste” in the state of Paraíba, Northeastern Brazil, during the 1960s. Research has been carried out by the research group Architecture and Place, UFCG / Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, integrated with the course of architecture and urbanism of the same institution, and is inserted in the line directed to history and city, working with the construction of the urban history, relating concepts of City, industrial patrimony and modernity. The objective is to analyze the importance of industrialization in the growth of the city during this temporal cut, observing the relations between the different urban actors in the construction of a scenario of modernity. As a methodology, it was decided to work with a line of architectural and urban research proposed by Serra (2006), who proposes the dialogue between process and systems.




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