Granada des-granada: estudio de fundaciones hispano-árabes, aragonesas y castellanas como modelos de ciudad-ley en conflicto (ss. XI-XV)


  • Manuel Saga



Granada Des-Granada (Grenade De-Grenaded) is a research project focused on legal and politic aspects of grid urbanism, as it was practiced by the kingdoms of Castilla and Aragón (XI - XVI cc), and its opposition to the traditional arab-muslim city model during the Spanish Reconquista. Granada has been used in this work as a category that covers all the Andalusian medinas. Des-Granada refers to Hispanic grid cities which were based on regional codes of laws called fueros. Both models represent opposed foundational concepts. Their shared origin is key for understanding the Hispanic urban model stablished in Ibero-America. This document presents an analysis of both models as law-city constructs based in classic culture. A key aspect in this research are the law models of Aragon’s Fueros and the Islamic Sharia, as well as their influence on the urban morphology of Granada and Des-Granada.The methodology proposed by the British architect Joseph Rykwert has been applied in this study. Two groups of Hispanic foundations have been object of field work during 2015, which results show their relevance as milestones of Hispanic grid urbanism evolution prior to 1492.




Sede Lisboa