La consolidación de la planificación territorial para el desarrollo: una mirada a través de la actividad de los centros de formación del Cono Sur


  • Alejandra Monti



In the context of the transformations of the geopolitical map after World War II, Latin America acquires a renewed interest for his continental neighbors. These international links are articulated from three areas of international relations: economical, technical and political cooperation, which will mark the pulse of transformations in the region in order to respond to the condition of "backwardness". Understanding Latin America as "the" space for development planning, we propose a reading to advance in the shapes and mechanisms for the consolidation of the discipline in the region and its re-interpretations at local level, taking as subject matter the activity of two relevant centers: Centro de Estudios Urbanos y Regionales (CEUR) and Centro Interdisciplinario de Desarrollo Urbano y Regional (CIDU)




Sede Lisboa