As legislações urbanísticas e o desenho da cidade popular: o caso do Recife/Brasil


  • Andresa Santana
  • Amélia Reynaldo



In the scope of the study on the process of origin of urbanization in Recife, especially through land subdivision, between the 1920s and 1980s, there was a strong presence of the so-called popular land lots, aimed at the low income population, where the great majority was approved between the 1940s and 1950s, and was drawn by the urban legislation of the Building Regulations of 1936, which provides the parameters of urban land design and occupation. While the formal city was drawn by urban planning legislation and housing policy, the informal city was also designed by the exclusions occasioned by these policies. The lack of studies on the process of urbanization of the city of Recife through the popular settlements, understanding the legal bases to solve the housing issues for the low-income population, makes the present research crucial in understanding the popular city.




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