La ciudad paso a paso: métodos de interacción para la configuración de barrios informales desde sus propias lógicas


  • María Belén Granja Bastidas
  • Marlown Cuenca Gonzaga
  • Ana Gabriela Meza



It could be said that most planned systems of low density social housing, both the lot, the road infrastructure, the way of occupation, as well as the possibilities of growth and configuration are invariable elements. We note through the case study that it is possible that in the informal neighborhoods, instead the process of structuring and conformation of the neighborhood, are gradually regulated in a scale of time and use, determined by the social interaction, in them. And this happens on both the urban scale and the architectural object. This paper documents some of the "interaction mechanism" for configuration in emerging cities in the Atucucho neighborhood in Quito-Ecuador. Research carried out in contact with the users of the house from their own perspective. We intend to extrapolate some of these criteria as alternative intervention strategies not to plan, but to make city from its own logics.




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