Los solares de ‘El Carme’ y el orden social: análisis socio-espacial de los vacíos urbanos


  • Alma Porta Lledó
  • Javier Caballero Ferrándiz




The present research tries to advance in the understanding of the relation between spatiality and sociability, key subjects-objects of investigation in Sociology and Urbanism. In order to deepen and broaden the debate, it focuses on the sociological problem par excellence: the social order, and how it interrelates with the ‘empty spaces’. The issue of ‘empty spaces’ is dealt with in relation to the concepts of 'solar' and 'urban wastelands', and these spaces are considered as paradigmatic and strategic points by which diverse uses, practices and appropriations produce and reproduce order and social space. The analysis focuses on the empty spaces of the district of ‘El Carme’, Valencia. The proposed methodology consists of a mapping of urban voids in the present and their comparison over time, in addition to the focused ethnography on empty spaces.




Sede Lisboa