Nociones y criterios de la ciudad accesible: movilidad peatonal en intersección vial de la carrera 17 en Bogotá


  • Jennifer Cañaveral Guzmán



The plan to be developed in this document is "Notions and criteria of the accessible city", whose objective is to analyze and order urban accessibility and formulate a public policy for the city accessible to the needs of people with different disabilities. This research focuses on the study of the urban problems of two localities in Bogotá, Teusaquillo and Barrios Unidos, delimited between race 17 from street 57 to street 67, and the generation of proposals aimed at improving mobility for people in Condition of disability, will help improve the mobility conditions of the sector to have an excellent quality of life for the population with disabilities, who support in public entities and governments. Improve public transportation and the creation of new green spaces in the city towards a new sustainable and integral urban model.




Sede Lisboa