El transporte como elemento de estructuración urbana: hacia un equilibrado desarrollo urbano guiado por el transporte público en la ciudad de São Paulo


  • Juliana Nakagawa Fernandes




The article aims to identify opportunities and potentials of urban development from its relationship with transport infrastructures, centred around the principle that the public transport system plays a key role in the structuring of a city like São Paulo. The expansion of the transport network should be seen as an opportunity to promote a new inclusive process of urban development associated to it, which ensures a better distribution of land uses, assuring equity of access to opportunities and reducing large daily commuting. The case study is the Metro Line 5 in São Paulo, currently under construction. The hypothesis considered that the metro stations assume the role of urban centralities, with the potential for the articulation of diverse uses and activities. The analysis of the area of influence, from its stations, intends to classify different station typologies, in order to identify their development opportunities.




Sede Lisboa