El proyecto urbano como instrumento de integración de refugiados y solicitantes de asilo: un modelo habitacional cooperativo y de acogida difusa para la rehabilitación urbana


  • Marco Casu




The control of forced migration flows aims to solve an emergency, but in later years it has become a structured phenomenon where the host of refugees and asylum seekers may be a research laboratory on housing policies and urban projects. Hosting system in Italy is based in centralized structures where forced immigrants are settled far from the urban life. Several projects regarding hosting models have been carried out in Europe, which aim for a bigger implication of local community within the processes of urban reorganization. The review of some examples of good practices on shared living, able to put together refugees, asylum seekers and residents; diffuse hosting model, in order to encourage direct contact with local population; and building rehabilitation, that aims to solve the problem of abandoned and underused buildings with the new migrants flows. Through a diffuse social housing project, that involves immigrants with the local population and activate useful participative services for the whole neighborhood, a process of improvement of the urban life quality can be triggered.




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