El proyecto territorial del porfiriato en la península de Baja California: ¿una ocupación urbana a través de company towns?


  • Enrique Esteban Gómez Cavazos




In this article we verify the influence of the company towns in the peninsula of Baja California and how much these, can be considered a decisive instrument of urbanization of this territory between the end of the nineteenth century and early twentieth century. The Mexican government uses the early industrialization in this part of the country and implements a risky economic strategy without precedents: to try to occupy through company towns this long and narrow peninsula, sparsely populated. It grants large territorial concessions to mostly foreign capital to colonize this region through large industries that develops towns and industrial cities. We want to review the projects of those companies that use the company town model. Its importance lies in highlight a territorial project that tries with great effort to urbanize and consolidate populations through industrialization, with the unquestionable support of the President of México, Porfirio Díaz.




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