Gestión del riesgo de desastres, ordenamiento territorial, reasentamiento y reubicación: correlación desequilibrada para el ejercicio de derechos humanos desde retrospectivas jurídicas en Colombia


  • Jorge Eduardo Vásquez Santamaría
  • Martha Isabel Gómez Vélez
  • Hernán Darío Martínez Hincapié



As an advance on the research problem How does the risk management of natural disasters in Colombia affect the exercise of Human Rights of people affected by population resettlement processes? Which supports the presentation of a First Enlargement Report for the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) after the conclusion of the Thematic Hearing on the guarantees of populations prone to resettlement, this paper presents results of the relationship between land use and management of risk from retrospectives built from legal and social sources. It makes a general contextualization of the First Report, reveals relevant aspects of the institutional and normative evolution of disaster risk management as a platform for the exercise of Human Rights, contrasts this evolution with the historical accumulation derived from catastrophic events offering a critical input to the institutional juridical order on the conditions that the management of the risk in the territorial ordering offers for the exercise of Human Rights.




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