Episodios relevantes del urbanismo montevideano reciente (1985 en adelante)


  • Eleonora Leicht Arocena




Since the Law 18308 of Land Planning and Sustainable Development was approved in Uruguay, land and urban planning has become a trending topic at academic and institutional levels. Nevertheless, in Montevideo, as Capital of the Country, the planning tradition becomes much earlier. Montevideo had a Plan Regulador in 1930 and a Plan Director in 1956, both advanced and innovative tools at a regional context. After the Dictatorship finishes in 1985 a singular juncture leads to reinforce the land planning culture specially in Montevideo with a left wing party at the Government of the City. The aim is to identify the ways of thinking, planning and operating on the built environment, by analyzing plans and regulations in Montevideo since 1985 and to revise each of the planning tools derived from the Plan Montevideo, reviewing the elaboration process, actors, institutional frames, issues and visions considered in each opportunity.




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