El proceso de cambio del tejido edilicio y la configuracion de la imagen heterogenea de la ciudad latinoamericana: caso de estudio: la transformación del tejido edilicio en las 70 manzanas fundacionales, ciudad de Córdoba, Argentina


  • Omar Paris




The present article addresses the morphological analysis of the process of transformation of the building fabric as a complement to what was presented in the SIIU in Montevideo 2015, where we approached the process of fragmentation that supports the fabric of the analysis. The technical pieces made ad hoc constitute a con-tribution to the urban study of the city of Cordoba. The words complicated and disorder, imperfection and chaos, are used to qualify the image of the Latin American city. Is disorder? is chaos?, where do we place ourselves to make such statements? Hypothesis: The irregularly shaped cities in Latin America is not a nega-tive value. It is another form of city that characterizes and identifies it. Once we have known his generation process in a case study and having verified that as an identity in many other Latin American cities, we talk about a shared identity trait. Roughness: identity trait, wich defines features within the projectual process. This generating process is displayed in our study case: 70 Cordoba foundational blocks in Argentina and will es-tablish an operational criteria as a way to act in urban design from heterogeneity.




Sede Lisboa