Relações entre o mercado, a cidade e a borda dágua em espaços centrais de cidades litorâneas: estudo de Caso de Laguna, Florianópolis e São Francisco do Sul


  • Tueilon de Oliveira



This paper presents a study about historical centers on coastal cities. As object of study were selected the cities of Laguna, Florianopolis and Sao Francisco do Sul, on the coast of the State of Santa Catarina, Brasil. The methodology applied has qualitative and exploratory approach, which pretends to conciliate the axial-panoramic planning view, alongside the intimate and humanistic individual look seeking understand faces of urbanity. The method involves iconographic research on state and municipal historical files, analysis of the study areas at the record of urban-architectural information and uses the urban section as reading instrument alongside the ethnographic method of field diary. The results introduce appropriation on historic centers of Portuguese-Brazilian cities and the interaction between the public market, the seashore and the urbanities outlook presented on these spaces.




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