Organizaciones populares de vivienda: alternativa al déficit de vivienda adecuada en Colombia: estudio comparativo de caso OPV ASOVIVIR con MISN Ciudad Verde


  • Juan Carlos Castellanos Puentes



This paper seeks to investigate the options of Popular Housing Organizations to provide alternatives for access to adequate housing in Colombia (according to the Economic and Cultural Social Rights pact), based on the comparison between "Green City" in Soacha , The largest Macroproject of National Social Interest (with a production of about 50 thousand units) and the Association of Comprehensive Housing ASOVIVIR, which in the early 1990s built 550 single-family homes through a self-management process and gave rise to the Housing Federation Popular FENAVIP that developed more than 20,000 houses in the country, with certain differential advantages compared to the production of real estate agents for profit, with whom the National Government develops the Macroprojects, facilitating the massive adaptation of land for social housing but without generating housing units completely adequate to the needs of its inhabitants.




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