Los 9 capitales de Boisier en la región de Llanura, provincia de Córdoba, Argentina


  • Vanesa Crissi Aloranti




Having considered the vacuum in integral studies and aiming at gaining some insight into the different threads that make up the territory from a systemic approach, this work offers some reflection on the nine capitals proposed by Boisier (1998) starting with a revision of territorial development background and theoretical perspectives. Afterwards, in line with the theoretical approach, we analyze the reality of the Plains region in the province of Córdoba, Argentina and the Villages (settlements with up to 2000 inhabitants, according to the Organic Law 8102/91) with the object of proposing strategic guidelines for an integral development. The regional scale is paramount in order to avoid the territorial organization resulting in a mosaic of inconsistent development models; taking into account the scale economies and synergies from a territorial profile perspective. And finally, I present strategic approach lines, as well as some perspectives for future research on synergetic capital as a component of territorial development.




Sede Lisboa