Criterios para la gestión sostenible de paisajes culturales extremos: (Hipo/Hiperdesarrollo): Mali, China y México


  • Pamela Durán Díaz Durán Díaz
  • Walter de Vries



The relationship of cultural landscapes with sustainable development is usually critical in hypodevelopment and hyperdevelopment situations. The lack of studies, scarce maps and difficulties in obtaining information hinder the design of development plans and strategies that would improve the quality of life of local population, whilst preserving the fragile intangible assets. This postdoctoral research consisted of recognising the value of extreme cultural landscapes as engines for development, whilst designing a methodology for mapping the land, its dynamics, its intangibles, and its transformations with the aim of designing strategic interventions. Through taking China, Mexico and Mali as study cases, the differences regarding culture and levels of development have favoured cultural exchange whilst allowing the extrapolation of the methodology to multiple contexts in Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America.




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