Nuevos mecanismos de intervencion en la ciudad existente: la recualificación a través del decrecimiento. Objetivo: una ciudad resiliente a través de un urbanismo circular


  • Gorka Cubes San Salvador del Valle



The current expansive model does not work when faces with urban regeneration. As long as the city continues to grow, the opportunity so that the city can initiate the process of urban regeneration in an endogenous wayis limited. A systemic shift is necessary. This article reflects on a new model, which not only limits growth, but also suggests a programmed decrease, as a method to catalyze the processes of urban regeneration. Degrowth as a resilient phenomenon itself, which, according to the circular economy paradigm, can understand waste as food for a new parallel process. If garbage is food, degrowth generates value. This new approach to land use is the first step towards circular urbanism, a new concept presented in this article, understood as the closure of the life cycle in land use.



