El paisaje de la Cuenca Lechera Central Argentina: construcción metodológica de la investigación


  • César Torres




A complex global setting of high economic competitiveness is recognized, with great influence on the paradigms of territorial planning and landscape management, and in which regional identity is questioned in front of the ongoing worldwide productive restructuring. The Argentinian Central Dairy Basin, as much for its intrinsic features as for the amount of natural and anthropic elements it contains, would require a clear territorial strategy from a multi-scaleapproach which matches its own reality.In turn, the task of re-thinking the territory and the landscape of the basin would not only imply scanning through several scales: in order to reflect on an alternative of economic, cultural, regional and sustainable developmentit becomes imperative to embrace the construction of a self-approach that also rescues diverse theoretical and methodological contributions, with the clear purpose of creatively assembling their knowledge and experiences into an integrating outline.



