Ciudades dentro de la ciudad: futurismos del pasado en dos proyectos de vivienda de Rogelio Salmona y Germán Samper


  • William García Ramírez



The theme of this paper is about the history of the two “Cities inside the city”, designed by Rogelio Salmona and Germán Samper respectively. An historiographical balance of the sense and importance in the time, of two ways of conceiving and projecting the new city of ends of the 20th century in Colombia. Treating itself about a comparative balance sheet, the hypothesis of investigation is sustained in that these two projects(Ciudadela Colsubsidio and Nueva Santa Fe of Bogotá), express two manners of taking again the history, as input for the proyectación of new sectors of city. The point of view of this paper is based on the comparative understanding of two manners of assuming the historiographical experience of a trip jointly for Europe as part of the premises that gave place to a few models of city, where the incorporation of the past as alive presence, is one of the principal leitmotiv used by Salmona and Samper.



