Análise espacial dos tecidos produzidos pelo Programa Minha Casa Minha Vida: O caso da Região Metropolitana de Natal/Brasil


  • Tamms Maria da Conceição Morais Campos



By observing the urban space of the RMN - Metropolitan Region of Natal/Brazil, we noticed that something different was established in its urban fabrics that led to dynamic social-spatial processes, modifying the plots in its territory and outlining the socio -spatial inequalities. These facts lead us to question how the urbanization process, promoted by residential real estate dynamics, materializes in the (re)configuration of the RMN. What ways and territorial phenomena are evident in this metropolitan soil occupation? How does the intensity of housing production through the Minha Casa Minha Vida Program (PMCMV) fit into the current structure redesign of the RMN? To understand the occupational logic and the process of fragmentation of the urban fabric and socio-spatial inequality through the recent production of dwellings in RMN is the main goal of this article. The understanding of this entire conjuncture is explained through the process that is named here “Urbanização Imobiliária Residencial"



