Territórios de exceção: redes de infraestrutura na cidade de São Paulo


  • Katia Bomfim Pestana




The service infrastructure sector in Brazil, and specifically in the city of São Paulo, has its history marked by the occupation of territories of exception in the urban fabric of the city. The service networks find great capillarity in the urban network where they are inserted and today, with the brutal growth of the urban spot, its functional bands cross densely populated neighborhoods leaving significant voids, especially when compared to the scarce free areas in these places.The establishment of these infrastructural networks, taking into account only their functional and safety aspects, generate a sequence of residual space which often contributes to increased risk factors since they are not inserted within the urban context of their locations. The range of a pipeline and a high voltage line is treated in an exemplary manner, as one the city of São Paulo’s various infrastructural networks within its urban grid.



