Una Company Town casi extinta de la era industrial en El Triunfo Baja California Sur: trazados urbanos y vestigios en El Triunfo y San Antonio 1866


  • Enrique Esteban Gómez Cavazos




The mining explotaition concessions in the peninsula of Baja California since the second half of the nineteenth century, can be considered tools to improve the development of northern regions of Mexico. They follow the intention of the Mexican government to populate and structure this long peninsula far from the center of the country. Foreign capital, in this case English and North American, are the key to implement a modern mining center of great importance in the Pacific coast, which comes to consolidate a productive urban core for the extraction, processing and export of minerals such as gold and silver, located in the southern of the peninsula.This text analyses the origins and the flowering of these populations and the projects of the foreign companies, their current status and their legacy. We try to evaluate how they consolidate a historic ocupation and to see with what elements of importance this territory counts, defending the hypothesis that it contains enough industrial resources to highlight its industrial identity.



