Vetores de expansão urbana em Aracaju-SE, Brasil: produção (entrelaçada) de cidade pelo Estado e mercado imobiliário


  • Sarah Lúcia Alves França



This research aims to analyze the housing production from the real estate market and the State and to point out the vectors of urban expansion in Aracaju-SE, Brazil, between 2000 and 2014. The capital of Sergipe presented dynamism in the production of space from the performance of the market, more intensely, after the promulgation of the Master Plan in 2000, through State support, through permissive legislation, expansion of road infrastructure and encouragement of real estate credit. There was a significant increase in the number of real estate developments, resulting in the densification of urbanized and valued neighborhoods, and, on the other hand, the fragmented and peripheral expansion in areas without infrastructure. For the development of this, a bibliographic survey was carried out, data collection in public agencies, organized in the form of tables and cartographies, which allowed quantify and spatialize the urban dynamics in Aracaju



