Intervenções táticas cicloviáriasa: utilização da bicicleta como modal de transporte na cidade de João Pessoa


  • Mirna Sousa Linhares



In Brazil, one of the main elements that influence the structure of cities is the mobility model focused on individual motorized transportation. As a form of clash with contemporary urban paradigms, creative urbanpractices that come from popular initiatives (bottom-up) to tackle everyday problems are a growing world trend,and have great potential for transforming public spaces. The main objective of this work was to propose theuse of tactical urbanism as a participatory tool in bicycle planning. The conception of the methodology wasbased on the analysis of the João Pessoa Cycle Plan through a collaborative methodological process, whichsupported the choice and application of the interventions. The research revealed that the insertion of tacticalurbanism as a formal tool in urban planning can promote a new look at planning strategies and, consequently,foster a truly participatory process in the production of urban space.



