Dupla periferia: repensando os horizontes disciplinares da relação entre arquitetura e urbanismo


  • Mariana Wilderom




The Latin American socio-spatial reality poses major challenges to the discipline of Architecture and Urbanism (A&U), demanding a renewal of thought about the process of urbanization that, despite being planetary, denotes particular problems in this part of the globe, on the periphery of capitalism. The overlapping of this global and local peripheral condition - the double periphery - that results in socio-spatial segregation in the city, also submitted to the imperatives of an unequal world economic order, is examined in this article due to its problematizing potential, which allows a wide disciplinary debate. This discussion is based on the methodological issues of the doctoral research in development, titled Architecture for cities of Latin America: distances and approximations between São Paulo and Medellín. In the thesis the theme of the periphery is treated like a spatial paradigm, being analyzed by means of Lefebvrian notions on the production of the space. The objective is to reflect on the renewal potentials of the discipline by broadening its understanding of the relationship between urban form and social form.



