Semiótica narrativa del espacio público urbano: plazas y recorridos


  • Abiel Treviño Aldape
  • Ramón Ramírez Ibarra



This work analyzes a public space, starting from semiotic and narrative strategies that allow recognizing the significant forms and expressions of the user in their interaction with urban equipment.For Eco, the semiotics “Studies all the cultural processes as communication processes”; besides, for Jencks, architecture is full of significations that include the orders of denotation/connotation: Denotation implies how an object/space is used (Literalness), and Connotation conceptualizes the image (Symbolic value).We mapped the routes of the actants observed in situ for an hour; drawing later the differential activities, as well as a register of what was seen, categorizing them as: Pedestrian routes –in transit and 2 or more people –; Bicycle and motorcycle routes; Walking pets; Usage of the space by men and by women.Analyzing this taxonomy with “Denotation and Connotation”, we get “semas” (units of significance that words have), obtaining clear hints of the use of public space.



