Las localidades intermedias y los sistemas urbanos-regionales en Argentina


  • Mariana Schweitzer
  • Santiago Petrocelli
  • Marisa Scardino



The analysis of a regional system allows to evaluate the functioning of the relations between cities in terms of their offer of services and equipment for the population and for the development of productive activities. The intermediate localities, by the function that they perform in their environment, are centers of social, economic and cultural interaction; they offer jobs, services and collective infrastructure to the urban and rural population, and their role is decisive in areas far from the large urban centers. The present work takes up the conversation of the intermediate localities, their functions and dynamics, with the purpose of generating contributions for the decision making about territorial ordering to achieve a better territorial equity. The methodological approach is multidimensional and multiscalar, articulating quantitative and spatial techniques based on cartographic and statistical analysis. Two cases of study are considered: Pergamino and Ushuaia, both in Argentina.



