“Me dieron acá, me rompieron allà”: políticas de relocalización de la población empobrecida en el barrio Coronel Dorrego, Santa Fe


  • Emilia Mosso




The objective of this research is to analyze the socio-residential conditions of the families relocated by the Comprehensive Urban Programs in the Coronel Dorrego neighborhood in the last decade in the city Santa Fe. Asking us, How do the minimal housing granted by these programs affect the improvement of the lifeconditions of the relocated families? For this, from the analysis of the pre-existing socio-housing conditions to the relocation processes, and the changes made after the transfer, we investigated the incidence of the delivery of the houses in the life conditions of the families. Considering that, in parallel with certain improvements under these conditions, the structural conditions of impoverishment of the population are reproduced or perpetuated. In this framework, we rely on qualitative-quantitative tools and various instruments (document analysis, interviews, field work) and strategies (exploratory and analytical).



