A cidade e a sustentabilidade: investigação dos critériose uma cidade verde e sustentável


  • Leticia Barroso




The aim was to investigate what the public understands by the concept 'sustainability'. With this in mind, Sorocaba, a town located in the interior of São Paulo State, was chosen for the purpose.The town has received several awards in various categories, even reaching the point of being considered one of the most sustainable in Brazil. The initial hypothesis is that reaching this category does not necessarily express residents' perception of whatthis means. Focus was on identifying indicators or themes that have contributed to these awards, as well as their impact on the town, and as a complementary measure, on residents' perceptions of the topics dealt with and their positions on what they consider a sustainable town to be. Finally results confirmed the initial hypothesis, besides revealing further concepts that deserve to be incorporated, as aids in gauging what really is a sustainable town. Furthermore, other guidelines are presented, which could be useful for conducting environmental planning with a view to sustainability.



