Turismo y paisaje: estrategias desde el proyecto de paisaje para el desarrollo turístico de la región costera del Gran La Plata


  • Rosario A Román




The landscape is a broad, complex and multidisciplinary field of study, of great importance when it comes to thinkabout the future of planning and territorial planning, and the development of spaces and tourist destinations. The objective of this article is to formulate action strategies for the valorization and appropriation of the natural and cultural resources of fluvial landscapes, in order to contribute to the productive and tourist development of the Coastal region of Gran La Plata (Municipalities of Berisso and Ensenada, Buenos Aires, Argentina). In a first part of the work, the theoretical framework is approached in relation to the fluvial landscape and tourism. Later, the empirical phase is developed, which deepens in the value of the landscape in the case of study. Finally, we reflect on the possibilities of implementing this type of strategy within the current scenario.



