Metodologías de investigación y participación comunitaria en procesos de mejora del hábitat: construcción de la Casa de la comunidad de Casas Viejas, Tafí del Valle


  • Pablo Dorado
  • Guillermo Rolón
  • Paula Boldrini



The development of participatory processes in the field of habitat is presented as a guarantee to take actions aimed at the sustainable construction of the territory. In this sense, knowledge generation processes in instances of interaction with the community are not only strengthened, they also allow us to understand the way in which the productive and social activities necessary for subsistence are developed and central in the configuration of identities.The present work advancesin the study of a research methodology on questions of community participation through the follow-up and conceptualization of the process of design and execution of the Community House in the Indigenous Community of Casas Viejas (Tafí del Valle, Tucumán). This activity takes place within the framework of broader processes that link from territorial and identity to technological aspect.



