Habitação e periferia: o programa Minha Casa Minha Vida


  • Rosa Maria Locatelli Kalil
  • Adriana Gelpi
  • Jaqueline Becker Fengler




The housing policy of the Minha Casa Minha Vida Program has produced significant number of low-income housing across Brazil. Their majority has been located in urban expansion areas as urban mesh, which are distant from the center of the consolidated ones.This work approaches a study case in the city of Passo Fundo (RS), in low-income housing that associates public and private investments, whose characteristic is the diversity of housing tipologies, innovative technology and the gradual offer of community equipments. This research works appreciation methods and concepts of housing areas proposed by Montaner, Muxi and Falagan (2011). As results, it is verified that even in private housing businesses, the tools of “inhabit the present”, that understand housing as integral part of the urban, contribute so that the construction of the territory is carried out with quality and sustainability.



