Mobilidade como categoria de análise de projetos urbanísticos


  • Alessandro Moreno Muzi



This article presents part of the current doctoral research called "Urbanity on the move. Critical analysis of the mobility system projects.” The main objective of this research is to discuss the Public Transport System of the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo under the point of view of its limitations, derived from its functional approach. The hypothesis worked out is that urban mobility is a fundamental component of urbanity in the contemporary city. In this article I try to outline ways to articulate both notions. I propose to articulate, in one axis, mobility, displacement and movement and in another, the physical structure of mobility networks, urban space and its local and metropolitan structuring. The articulation of the two axes influence each other in the constitution of a mediation of the user's movement, constituting a sensitive experience of the city. This sensitive experience is one of the dimensions of urbanity in the contemporary city that I try to outline in this article, opening fronts for research, presented in the conclusions of this article.



