Espacios públicos ¿bienes de consumo?: relaciones conceptuales entre tecnologías digitales e imaginarios urbanos


  • Sebastián Cortez Oviedo



This piece of research presents a discussion on the main processes and dynamics of the digital order referred to the urban habitat, in particular those related to public spaces, from the development of a critical analysis to the possible relationships between digital technologies ̶ understood from the transmedia storytelling ̶ and urban imaginaries. These relationships are addressed from the characterization of ICT Techno-Cultural Dispositive as intermediaries in the aesthetic experiences of the urban spaces, particularly in the access, uses and appropriations of the public spaces. These places, as result of multiple symbolic-cultural processes, would have modified their use value for a value of change, whose imaginary communicated would be turning these spaces into merchandise of a growing consumer society. In this sense and from this paper, it is intended to promote a transdisciplinary debate in the field of urbanism about the cultural aspects of the Information and Knowledge Society, particularly that referred to (re) think the categories of analysis that cross this paradigm.



