¿Del ejido al periurbano?: dos casos de reconfiguración de periferias en ciudades intermedias uruguayas


  • Leonardo Altmann Macchio




In Uruguay, an early urban and macro-cephalic country, with a slow demographic growth in the long term, intermediate cities have increased their prominence in the national territorial structure in recent decades. Although the concept of peri-urban is often associated with the heterogeneity of land uses of the urban-rural interface of the metropolitan areas (Carter, Barsky, Hernandez Puig), in the peripheries of many medium-sized cities of Uruguay, an unprecedented coexistence is taking place - disjointed and conflictive- of logistic, agroindustrial, residential, productive uses; as well as socio-territorial processes with notable differences in the configuration of the urban-rural interface of the period of import substitution (1930-1973) and the first neoliberal opening (1973-1990). The aim is to analyze this reconfiguration of the peripheries, from the peri-urban concept, as evidenced by a reconversion of uses, deficient intrastructural coverage, urban expansion without population correlation, a lagging state and local planning framework.



