Experiências de microurbanismo: novos olhares sobre a gestão do solo urbano


  • Tiago de Mattos Chafik Hindi
  • Tomás Antonio Moreira




The widespread crisis of political representativeness is a phenomenon linked to a structural transformation in contemporary society. “Microurbanism” as a participatory public policy goes beyond consulting the population about its social and urban issues, and promotes the individual the creative power to design. Through its transforming potential, a marginalized and excluded colective may become a full democracy (participatory and inclusive). The general objective of this work is to discuss public housing policies related to participatory urban land management, comparing case studies in Québec / CA and São Paulo / BR. The relationship between housing development programs, income and population density in Montreal is noticeable, while in the Brazilian situation of recent intense and disorganized urbanization, similar characteristics are also apparent. The public policies of both cases are inscribed in urban dynamics dictated by strong speculation, which impels collectivities to social and spatial exclusion.



