La vivienda en la ciudad reformada: los debates en el Primer Congreso Argentino de la Habitación (1920)


  • María Guillermina Zanzottera



For this work we will focus on analyzing, from a historical perspective, the Proceedings of the Primer Congreso Argentino de la Habitación The discussion of the debates that were promoted in that event of national scope, made in Buenos Aires between September 5 and 13, 1920, give an account of the issues that, on housing and city, were constituting a problem and allow us to observe the passage of the isolated interventions to a reforming project of the city as a whole. In this sense, our hypothesis is linked to the fact that the analysis of that particular source allows us to illuminate the ways of thinking the reform of housing and the city in the year 20, making it possible to observe the "new" representations on which will be based the intervention and discussions that will shape the debates of the following years.



