Disaster Risk Management in territorial planning Natural threats: Latacunga and Baños-Ecuador cases


  • Johana Paola Calles Ortiz Universidad Politécnica de Madrid




In recent years, we have witnessed the devastating consequences that emergencies and disasters leave in Latin America and the world. In Ecuador, one of the registered cases is the eruption of the Tungurahua volcano, with its strong episode in 2006; that left fatalities, destroyed infrastructure and severe social, environmental and economic impacts. Like this one, there is a great probability of occurrence of similar events, so it is considered; carry out the risk analysis, given the “possible eruption of the Cotopaxi volcano”, which was reactivated in 2015 and compromises populated centers. Likewise, it is intended to analyze the response mechanisms used in both cases, to determine if Ecuadorian cities are prepared for the occurrence of adverse situations. Considering that the incorporation of risk management is a key tool to reduce vulnerability in cities and minimize impacts in the event of an emergency or disaster.

Keywords: Natural hazards, volcanoes, vulnerable cities.

Author Biography

Johana Paola Calles Ortiz, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Estudiante de Doctorado en Sostenibilidad y Regeneración Urbana en la Universidad Politénica de Madrid. Consultora en temas relacionados al planeamiento urbano, gestión de riesgos de desastres, cambio climático, etc. 


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