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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • All papers submitted from October of 2017, that be accepted, are subject to the payment of edition under stablished criteria on section “about payment by edition of articles.” The acceptance of this terms policy means than payment conditions are accepted.

  • The article is correctly written, there are no grammatical or orthographic errors. The syntax favors its understanding, the sentences are short and no subordinate clauses or digressions are abused. There is a concordance between gender and number. One of the main formal causes of rejection by the evaluators is the deficiency in the writing of the manuscripts.

  • The material has not been previously published nor is being evaluated in another journal.

  • The file is in Microsoft Word format, respecting the editorial norms and formats. Has been used the Word template, downloadable in About> Submissions> Author Guidelines, by following all the typographical, text style and bibliographic instructions.

  • Web addresses have been added to the references where possible.

  • All figures and tables have been inserted in the body of the text. All figures have been optimized to the minimum weight (kB) that allows an adequate reading. Inserted figures and tables can’t be groups of images and must not exceed the margins established for the text. Any item that does not meet this standard will be automatically and immediately rejected as soon as it reaches the publisher.

  • The manuscript does not contain pages in landscape format.

  • The manuscript has to be a model of the final draft article, containing all required information (camera ready). Any article whose images are of low quality, illegible (without the need to zoom), not justified to the limits of the indentations of the texts, not referenced in the text, do not have their authorship (with the due rights requested by the author), will be automatically rejected.

  • The manuscript does not contain any evidence for identify the authorship of the work at the blind peer review. This includes that paper title does not have to replicate previous reviewed publications.

  • In addition, there should be no electronic trace of authorship in the properties of the Word file (see the file anonymization tutorial). Any item that violates this rule will be automatically and immediately rejected.

  • Very special care should be put in the bibliography format. Any article whose bibliography does not correspond solely and exclusively to the works cited in the text and vice versa will be rejected.
  • Articles written in a different language from that of the authors must be accompanied by a certificate issued by a competent professional in the language used in the text. This certificate will be presented in the event that the article is selected for publication in ACE.

  • During August the University remains closed and therefore is inactive for all purposes.

  • Through the submission of the manuscript, it is accepted to participate as a possible evaluator in future work of third parties.

Author Guidelines


Before making a submission, the following documents must be downloaded:

- Editorial instructions template (first submission)

- Acceptance of editorial standards (first submission)

- Revisions form (review stage, second submission)

Please, read the instructions carefully, and respect the formats of the editorial instructions template. Remember that the article must be written directly on the template, without altering fonts, margins, etc.

In the submission, must be uploaded to the platform the file in Word format, duly anonymized, with a weight of no more than 10 Mbytes (10,240 Kbytes) and a maximum of 25 pages, with tables and figures included.

In addition, you must attach the document of acceptance of editorial standards, duly signed in PDF format.





The authors should send their original and definitive manuscripts in the original language (if Latin), and the title, abstract, and keywords in English, Spanish and Catalan. The articles written in non-Latin languages should be submitted in English.


It is suggested that the length of both the general and the thesis articles do not exceed 25 pages, considering that the typography will be Work Sans Light of 9 points, in a A4 format sheet, and a 1.15 space, which represents approximately 12.000 words. The contributions to the notes section could be shorter (8 pages as a minimum).

The abstract text will be around 250 words, which total extend must be reflected. The abstract should be structured as follows: objective, methodology, conclusions and originality, as shown in the template of instructions. The abstract must fit within the specified framework and in no case exceed it.


The original manuscript must contain:

- Title of the article.

- A brief summary (250 words) containing at least the research objective, methodology, major contributions and originality. Manuscripts for the notes section, especially when dealing with revisions of other work, can dispense with the summary.

- The keywords in the subject discussed (approximately four and separated by commas), other than those that appear in the title.

- Tables and figures are inserted throughout the text where appropriate.

- Footnotes (not at the end of the text).

- Bibliography references, made according to APA rules (there must be a correspondence between citations throughout the text and bibliography).


Page orientation will be, in all cases, vertical. Only landscape-oriented figures and tables are accepted.

Text style

Throughout the document the font to be used is Work Sans Light. The titles and subtitles will be in size 12. The body of the text, references and titles of tables and figures should be in size 9. Finally, the notes of the tables or figures, as well as footnotes, will be in size 8.

The format of paragraphs will be as follows: the spacing should be 1.15 vertically and horizontally justified, the use of hanging indents is not allowed.

Bold letters are only allowed in article titles, either those ones which are dividing the first level or those from tables and figures. Do not use bold letters through the rest of the text, indeed.

The use of whole sentences in capital letters will only be allowed in the main article's title, meanwhile the rest of the elements will use capital letters as well as the written language rules need it.

The use of italic letters will be reserved for second-level subtitles, as well as the text indeed when a different language is used, or the need to emphasize some expressions.

Tables and figures format

Either tables or figures will be numbered, in separate, consecutively by Arabian numbers. Titles from both elements will be placed on the upper side of the same. Is necessary to make the explicit reference of the existence of this additional information of the text body, and describe its utility as much as needed.

Tables and figures must be accompanied, on the lower side, by the font and the source of the same, as well as the pertinent notes to clarify its content.

Given the electronic nature of the edition is advisable that the content of tables and figures could have the same orientation than the text. It will not be allowed those manuscripts that combine pages in horizontal and vertical format at the same time.

The discussed elements showed on this section must be added in the body text before to be sent, in other words, the manuscript must be a project model of the definitive article. This will guarantee that the appearance and the effect of the spatial distribution of figures and tables will be the desired one by the author. It is suggested, that added maps or photographs could be in compressed format as JPG, for making lighter the weight of the electronic document, always ensuring adequate quality.


It will only be accepted submitted manuscripts through the electronic platform in Word format. Is strictly necessary that each article is entirely contained in a single file (camera ready). Segmented articles in different files or in PDF format will not be accepted.


It is the responsibility of the authors that the file containing the manuscript to be reviewed for possible publication does not contain any evidence to identify the authorship of the work at the blind peer review. This includes that paper title does not have to replicate previous reviewed publications.


The bibliography will be placed at the end of each article, in which, quotation will appear in alphabetic order (following the parental surname or the unique of the authors), for each author, works will be ordered in a chronological way from the oldest to the newest one. It must follow the stipulations of ISO 690, template can be downloaded in this section. Examples:


Apellido, N. (año). Título en cursiva. Número de edición (excepto primera). Ciudad de publicación, País: Editorial.

Chapter or part of a book

Apellido, N. y Apellido, N. (Año). Título del capítulo. En N. Apellido. (Ed.), Título en cursiva (pp. xx-xx). Ciudad, País: Editorial.

Journal article

Apellido, N. (Año). Título. Nombre de la revista, volumen(número), pp-pp.

Paper presented at a Conference

Apellido, N. (Mes, año). Título de la comunicación. Trabajo presentado en: Nombre de la edición del congreso, lugar, país. Resumen recuperado de http://xxxx

Electronic journal article

Ejemplo de artículo en revista electrónica con DOI

Romero Aloy, M. J. (2013). Un análisis sistemático de los parámetros urbanísticos de la edificación. ACE: Architecture, city and Environment, 8(22), 45-76. DOI: 10.5821/ace.vi22.2589  

Ejemplo de artículo de revista electrónica sin DOI

Sillick, T. J. y Schutte, N. S. (2006). Emotional intelligence and self-esteem mediate between perceived early parental love and adult happiness. E-Journal of Applied Psychology, 2(2), 28-48. Recuperado de


The papers published in ACE Journal must be original and unpublished works, plagiarism and integral self-plagiarism is not acceptable. Authors, by submitting a paper for evaluation, do certify this fact, and that the article is not in additional assessment processes in other journals, or has pending publishing commitments. In the case of papers derived from works previously presented in congresses they cannot be exactly the same in extension nor in contents and must state this fact in a footnote indicating the name of the congress, edition, and date of celebration. The same applies to papers derived from the thesis, which should indicate the academic program from which they originate.

Opinions contained in the published papers are the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of editors. All the persons listed as authors are responsible for the contents of the research reported since they have substantially contributed to its realization materially and/or intellectually. Authorship means the recognition of intellectual contributions to the field of study, for that reason, it is the duty of the main author to get a consensus inside the group that carried out the research on the authors and the order in which it will appear in a paper.

In the case that the paper uses figures or tables previously published, it is the duty of the authors to ask permission from the respective editorial boards. By submitting the final version of the paper, authors do implicitly certify they had got the right to use such material.

At the end of the paper, all the acknowledgments must be included. Such references should include the source of funding (if applicable) as well as the material support, conceals and suggestions made by not-authors.


The ACE journal does not charge for publishing articles. Nevertheless, its operation requires that each article accepted for publication make a payment, for editing and revision of editorial style, according to the following conditions:

  • Fee 1: Articles in the thesis section; articles whose main author is affiliated to the UPC; articles whose main author comes from a developing country, according to group 4 (Low-income economies) by the World Bank Country classification. (
  • Fee 2: General

For the articles accepted for publication, as of January 1, 2023, the amount of rate 1 is 400 euros (plus VAT) and rate 2 is 500 euros (plus VAT) to be paid by bank transfer, once the article will be finally accepted and before entering a waiting list for its publication.

People who, from May 1, 2020, have carried out a peer-review of articles in ACE, complying with the rigor in the evaluation, as well as within 30 days, and the forms, will receive a 10% cumulative bonus, to be applicable in 2 years, from the date the review is sent.

The acceptance of this terms policy means that payment conditions are accepted.

The terms of payment will be processed when appropriate, after acceptance, and prior to the edition and publication of the article.

Privacy Statement

The names and e-mail addresses entered in the journal will be used exclusively for the stated purposes and will not be made available for any other purpose or person.


At this moment, it is count with the "Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas", while global protection it is being processed by the World Intelectual Property Organization (WIPO).

Nevertheless the International Standard Serial Number Office (ISSN) has given the following numbers ISSN: 1886-4805 (electronic version) and 1887-7052 (paper version). All articles will be peer reviewed, using double blind reviewing.


The article contents and their comments are authors exclusive liability, and do not reflect necessarily the journal editor commitee's opinion. All ACE published works, could only be published entirely or partially through an editor authorization.