From Play-House for Children to Urban Space with Children




playful drifts, architectural design project, childhood, playground


In constructing an inclusive city, children have a fundamental role to play because if spaces - private or public - take this part of the population into account, they will serve the whole of society. From this perspective, a good starting point is designing space with children in mind. In this context, the Valencia School of Architecture has carried out several initiatives to design and build spaces where children can play. Through four competitions, carried out by architecture students and graduates in the last two years, the results are presented in order to make visible the importance that the child's vision has had and continues to have in the processes of generation or transformation of space. The analysis of these competitions and their evolution are committed to placing children at the centre of the reflection on the designed space, reclaiming them as transforming agents of the architectural space and the city. From the first competition to build a playhouse for children - in the 2014-15 and 2015-16 academic years - to the last one, developed in the 2021-22 academic year, to build an urban space with children, there is evidence of an evolution in the competition statements, in the proposals presented and in the evaluation that shows a progressive approach towards a more inclusive and participatory society.

Author Biographies

Carla Sentieri Omarrementeria, Polytechnic University of Valencia

Doctor of Architecture (2013) from the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV), since 2018 she has been a Full Professor of the Department of Architectural Projects at the ETSA UPV. His research and transfer work focused on three lines: the sustainable design of housing, the learning process through the architectural project and childhood and its learning environments, has been published in specialized journals such as: PPA, Frontiers of Architectural Research , Building Research & Information, VLC architecture, Sustainability, Chile architecture magazine and Constelaciones.

Enrique Fernández-Vivancos González, Polytechnic University of Valencia

Doctor of Architecture (2016) from the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV), since 2020 he has been a Full Professor of the Department of Architectural Projects at the ETSA UPV. His research and transfer work, focused on the line: Architecture for a sustainable city, has been recognized, among others, with the Research Award of the XV Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism 2021, the IF Design Award 2021 and the Construmat a la innovation 2019. This work has been published in specialized magazines such as: EGA, PPA, RA, Zarch, DPA, Palimpsesto, En Blanco, C3 Architecture, Le Moniteur Architecture AMC, Construire In Laterizio, Artpower, Arquitectura Viva, Paisea or Urban Pays Med Good Practices for the Landscape of the European Union.






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