Indicators of the Impact of Changes on the Disposition of Entities and the Morphogenesis of Urban System Connections




urban morphology, polycentricity, entities disposition, quantitative indicators


The aim of this work is to show the differences in the spatial characteristics of the various dispositions of the entities and the influence of the way of connecting them, on the frequency of their use. The paper presents a methodology that enables interpretation of indicators for a certain number of dispositions of entities from linear, orthogonal and radial-concentric models. The research showed that all the presented variants of the linear disposition retain the same coefficient CC and CL, while CF is significant and decreases where the number of branches connections increases. The orthogonal and radial-concentric disposition show an increase in the coefficient CC depending on the number of current system connections and a rather low coefficient CL, which decreases where the number of connections increases. The same trend is shown by the coefficient CF of orthogonal and radial-concentric disposition, which are significantly lower than in examples of linear disposition. The average index IxLACFa in the orthogonal model has a higher value than in the radial-concentric model due to the geometry of the network, while the average index IxpLACFa has the highest value in the case of the linear model due to the reduction in the frequency of the use by interpolating branch connections. The research methodology shows the possibility of exact calculation of indicators and interpretation of qualitative characteristics of a certain form of disposition of urban system entities at the fourth level of resolution of urban morphology.

Author Biographies

Lea Petrović-Krajnik, University of Zagreb

Associate Professor at Department of Urban Planning, Spatial Planning and Landscape Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, University of Zagreb.

Vladimir Petrović, Independent

Architect and Urban planner.

Damir Krajnik, University of Zagreb

Full Professor at Department of Urban Planning, Spatial Planning and Landscape Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, University of Zagreb.






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