The Architecture of Arequipa; Studies of “El Arquitecto Peruano” Journal




architectonic heritage, Baroque-mestizo, modernity, Emilio Harth Terré


The purpose of the article was to catalog the buildings that the El Arquitecto Peruano journal identifies as the most important in Arequipa, a city located in the south of Peru, according to the vision of the time and from a Lima perspective. The objective was achieved by consulting “El Arquitecto Peruano” journal using keywords. The bibliographic review took into consideration the authors who have carried out studies on the journal, as well as using all the articles as a primary source. Articles on Arequipa architecture are recorded, and the main characteristics identified in each article are synthesized into a table. The results listed the buildings that until the end of the publication were relevant in the city of Arequipa and compiled the important articles based on the definition of architecture that has been recognized according to the UNESCO declaration. The article concludes that the journal El Arquitecto Peruano highlighted the architecture of Arequipa between 1937 and 1963, emphasizing its value within a national vision. The studies focus on colonial architecture, highlighting the Baroque-Mestizo style while valuing the significant boost of the neo-colonial style promoted by the IV centenary.

Author Biographies

Sergio Coll-Pla, San Pablo Catholic University (Peru), Rovira i Virgili University (Spain)

Serra Hunter Lecturer at the Rovira i Virgili University, Reus, Spain. San Pablo Catholic University, Arequipa, Peru.

Tatiana Medina-Sánchez, San Pablo Catholic University (Peru)

Full-time Professor at the San Pablo Catholic University, Arequipa, Peru.

Fernando Cuzziramos-Gutiérrez, San Pablo Catholic University (Peru)

Full-time Professor at the San Pablo Catholic University, Arequipa, Peru.

Daniel Málaga-Montoya, San Pablo Catholic University (Peru)

Part-time Professor at the School of Architecture and Urbanism of the San Pablo Catholic University, Arequipa, Peru.

Agustí Costa-Jover, Rovira i Virgili University (Spain)

Serra Hunter Associate from the School of Architecture of the Rovira i Virgili University, Spain.

Denis Leonardo Mayta-Ponce, San Pablo Catholic University (Peru)

Full-time professor at the San Pablo Catholic University, Arequipa, Peru.






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