Planning and urban land managment in the Guadalajara Metropolitan Region


  • Carlos Marmolejo Duarte



Metropolitan urban management, Guadalajara, regional planning.


The argument made ​​by the geographer Héctor Hernández García under the master's program and territory Local Development at the University of Guadalajara (Mexico) addresses the issue of public participation in urban planning processes and regional. A central issue in regional planning processes and yet had a meager role and, in any case has been overshadowed by the simplifying approximations of reality more concerned about the physical arrangement of the complex and systemic relationship between the physical, economic and social. In this sense, the planning has been more concerned in the product, ie, the plan with its regulations, buildable land use and, most importantly in the same: their development process. As the author defines "it is important to the participation of civil society in the planning of its urban space, as the main affected and benefited from changes that occur in your immediate and metropolitan territory" (p.4). The strategy of the thesis focuses on a case study to analyze how the Metropolitan Area of Guadalajara (ZMG) (2.737 km2 and 4.09 million people in 2004). The author begins with the assumption that the management tools with which this country has had, like many others in Mexico, have taken advantage of the potential of public participation. But in the background? We explore whether social and civic participation is seen as a requirement more or urban planning as a fundamental process? (p. 8). Moreover, the metropolitan scale the scope of the thesis study enables addressing intermunicipal coordination is another problem that emerges in the metropolitan planning process.




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