Responsive Geographical Information Systems for Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Mobile Networks in Barcelona


  • Francisco Reis Sacramento Gutierres Eurecat - Technology Centre of Catalonia
  • Antonio Torrente Eurecat - Technology Centre of Catalonia
  • Marc Torrent-Moreno Eurecat - Technology Centre of Catalonia



WebGIS, Responsive visualization, Open data, Smart Cities



This paper proposes a methodology for using mobile telephone network coverage data from the Mobile Coverage (GenCat) platform for detecting spatial and temporal patterns in multiple scales and at different geographical granularity levels (administrative and Urban Atlas classes). The paper outlines a Responsive Geographical Information Systems (“Responsive Mobile Coverage (RMC)”) of a large number of point data of mobile networks integrating summarization techniques and dynamic visual models.


For that purpose, an integrated framework of Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) and GIS Cloud Computing is described and implemented using open source tools such as Jupyter (Python), ArcGIS Online and the ESRI Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS. The methodology was tested with data of Barcelona in August 2015.


The RMC framework presents capabilities to integrate additional information from the Catalonian Big Data landscape, and therefore, improve the access to Open data for public sector, private companies, citizens and scientists. The developed methods have potential for the definition and analysis of the distribution of aggregation indicators in cities, monitoring the precision of mobile networks in different administrative and urban contexts, and enabling citizens to make sense of such data for improving their scientific knowledge, daily life and fostering collective decision making.


The paper demonstrates that RMC can be a very useful tool for responsive visualization and improving different decision-making processes in Barcelona. We suggest an approach to data science, where the complete workflow takes place inside a Big Data paradigm, to produce reproducible results, using the best practices in scientific research.

Author Biographies

Francisco Reis Sacramento Gutierres, Eurecat - Technology Centre of Catalonia

Mr Francisco Sacramento Gutierres (Male) is a researcher in the Big Data Analytics group at Eurecat - Technology Centre of Catalonia. Mr Gutierres holds a PhD in Physical Geography by the Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning of the University of Lisbon (IGOT-UL), MSc in Conservation Biology, Post-graduation in GIS Applied to Sciences of the Earth by the Faculty of Sciences of University of Lisbon and a degree in Biophysical Engineering – Environmental Planning and Management by University of Évora. Before joining Eurecat he participated in different European and National projects such as LUCAS, a pilot study on the provision of harmonized land use/cover statistics by means of data integration through Geographical Information Technology (Synergies between LUCAS and the national systems); MYGEOSS initiative, an European expert research contract for Innovative applications in the environmental and social domains promoted by the European Commission (EC), and EUREGIO NLGermany – monitoring impacts of biodiversity conservation policies in a highly fragmented landscape across international borders. He has been involved in Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Remote Sensing (RS), GIS Cloud computing, Predictive modelling, statistics, and monitoring and modelling of habitats of the Natura 2000 Network (EU Habitats Directive) and assessment of Land Use and Land Cover (LULC) changes in his previous positions in Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning of the University of Lisbon (IGOT-UL), National Statistics Institute(NSI)/Eurostat, and Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC) – University of Twente. Francisco Gutierres has contributed to over 50 publications (including 6 book chapters), 1 patent application (Geoapp ´Mohana - MOnitoring of HAbitats at the level of a NAtura 2000 site´), and serves as Teaching Assistant (Accredited Tenure-track lecturer by the Catalan University Quality Assurance Agency, AQU Catalunya) and Ad hoc reviewer of 6 international scientific journals.

Antonio Torrente, Eurecat - Technology Centre of Catalonia

Head of Data Science and Big Data Analytics Unit, Eurecat.

Marc Torrent-Moreno, Eurecat - Technology Centre of Catalonia

Head of Multimedia Technologies Unit, Eurecat.






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