Evolution of the right of property in Spain regarding the conservation obligations in the urban law since 1956 to 2018, from the classic triad to acting on the urban environment





Rights, duties, conservation, regeneration



Property conservation mandatory requirement is one of the most unfulfilled obligations by all the stakeholders of our society. Everyone invokes rights, but, what about obligations? That is why the right of property must be analyzed.


This article aims to analyze and demonstrate that the evolution of the qualitative (scope) and quantitative (limit) regulation of property has not remained invariant since the Land Law of 1956. At the same time, regional urban laws are not homogeneous amongst the different regional urban regulations, and they are not adapted to the current national urban law either.


The right of property and with it, the conservation obligation, is currently an image of its social function, although it has been largely ignored and unapplied in the best of cases and even now when the urban fabric is showing clear signs of reaching the end of its life-cycle. Facing to this reality, the recent legislative innovations compiled in the Urban Rehabilitation, Regeneration and Renewal Act (2013), allow for the first time in the Spanish history, to articulate the actions of urban transformation regarding the obligation of property conservation.


This article, based on the legal and valuation norms analysis, focuses upon in the contrast and incidence of these regulations, in order to primarily define the current potential of them, especially for the urban regeneration and renewal interventions.

Author Biography

Alvaro Cerezo Ibarrondo, IVAP-EVETU

Architect of ETSA UPV/EHU. Director of Public Company Puerto Deportivo el Abra - Getxo S.A. and teacher of the EVETU (IVAP). He has been a municipal architect at the City Council of Zalla. Master in valuations UPC-EM-REV and expert in town planning. Expert in European projects (URBACT III, Integrated Urban Renewal, Environmental Issues, Sustainable Housing Support to local authorities and other stakeholders in designing and delivering integrated and participatory policies). He has taught at the Universities of the UPV / EHU, Deusto, UPC and INAP and ERAP institutions, as well as various schools






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