Transformations of the City and the Shopping Center - Analysis in the Scale of the Quicentro Shopping and the Iñaquito Sector in Quito


  • Daniela Sofía Loaiza Jiménez Architect urban planning, Quito, graduated from the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador, president of the Forum of the City of the College of Architects of Ecuador - Pichincha. PhD in Architecture and Urbanism from the Universidad del Bio Bio - Concepción / Chile, with co-direction from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia Barcelona / Spain. Master's Degree in City Planning, History and Architecture from the Federal University of Santa Catarina. Professor at the Faculty of Architecture of the Universidad de las Americas in Quito / Ecuador.



shopping center, conceived space, built space, lived space, urban planning



Literature shows different theoretical positions regarding modifications caused by shopping centers in the urban structure. There is an approximation that accuses them to be a threat to the city, while others acclaim these to be an opportunity. The objective of this analysis is to understand the role that this shopping center plays in the city.


This article will address the abovementioned two different perspectives by discussing the Quicentro Shopping Center, located in Quito - Ecuador, graphically analyzing the city between 1970 and 2015 from the social space trialectic; planned or conceived space, perceived or constructed space, and lived or appropriated space (Lipovetsky 2007, 2006), in the scale of the Quicentro Shopping and the Iñaquito sector; scope where it is inserted.


The shopping centers are a phenomena that do not always constitute closed and disarticulated boxes of their environment, but permeable elements that are linked to the city and are used as urban development and reactivation components.


There is no extensive research on shopping centers using this approach, so it will be a methodological tool for the analysis and planning of other shopping centers that are linked to the city, before or after being inserted.

Author Biography

Daniela Sofía Loaiza Jiménez, Architect urban planning, Quito, graduated from the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador, president of the Forum of the City of the College of Architects of Ecuador - Pichincha. PhD in Architecture and Urbanism from the Universidad del Bio Bio - Concepción / Chile, with co-direction from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia Barcelona / Spain. Master's Degree in City Planning, History and Architecture from the Federal University of Santa Catarina. Professor at the Faculty of Architecture of the Universidad de las Americas in Quito / Ecuador.

University of Bio Bio - Concepción (Chile)
Technical University of Catalonia - Barcelona (Spain)






Thesis section