Does polycentricism influence residential values? an analysis for the Metropolitan Region of Barcelona


  • Carlos Ramiro Marmolejo Duarte



This paper explores the relationship between centrality and land values. While in literature centrality is simplified as the proximity to centres, which normally are identified using qualitative approaches, in this paper a novelty vision is proposed. It differs from state of the art approaches since centrality is derived from an integrated indicator coming from data regarding the time-space behavior of citizens. In order to test whether centrality correlates with urban values, a regression model is used departing from data of Metropolitan Barcelona, such a method allows for controlling architectural variables that influence residential housings, as well as other locational factors beyond centrality that may affect land values. The results suggest that urban form does influence the spatial distribution of urban values; nevertheless such an impact is not as high as other locative factors such as socioresidential segregation. So urban policies intended to democratize urban quality should be focused not only in urban structural factors but also those regarding social differentiation of space.



